By Cindy Reed

10 Valuable Questions For Choosing A Contract Manufacturer

The role of the contract manufacturer (CM) involves more than manufacturing and supplying ingredients.

The CM plays a critical role producing a compliant quality product for your label that stands up to all regulatory scrutiny and consumer safety parameters. As such, they should function as a reliable extension of your organization.

The real value the CM brings is building a dependable lasting partnership with you and bringing you peace of mind.

Here are valuable questions helping you choose the right Contract Manufacturing Partner.

  1. All-In-One Custom Manufacturing Resource: “What types of turnkey processes do you have?”
    In a total turnkey process, you and your CM outline, define and agree on respective responsibilities and deliverables.Common discussion topics include sourcing of raw materials, meeting specifications, testing standards, QA & QC, R&D, SOP, and meeting label claims, among other areas pertaining to the specific needs of your organization.Also, inquire what are the CM’s first-order lead times. Are their lead times current, and is there a cost to do a trial or scale ups.An experienced staff with an extensive knowledge base can walk you through the varying nuances in processing. Click to learn more


Looking For Turnkey Services?

Pharmachem Laboratories has served as contract manufacturer for a variety of customers since 1979. Our ingredient processing services range from farm to finished product. We grow it, extract it, granulate it, blend and instantize it. Agglomerate, synthesize and crystallize it. And, we’re just getting warmed up. Click to learn more


When You Need Customized Solutions

We’re known in the industry for creative problem solving, innovation, and unlocking breakthrough discoveries. Every day, customers bring us their most puzzling extraction problems, custom manufacturing challenges and process issues. At Pharmachem, we value a reliable partnership and the significance it has in bringing you peace of mind. Click to learn more


Pharmachem Laboratories, Inc. 265 Harrison Avenue, Kearny NJ 07032. 1-800-526-0609.

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Enewsletter and website are written by Cindy Reed. Enewsletter is published by Pharmachem Laboratories, Inc.