Guest article

October 2018

5 Instagram Marketing Trends We Will See in 2019

2019-02-19T11:18:16-05:00October 18th, 2018|Categories: Breaking news|Tags: |

Opinion: Followers need to see a validation of your online coolness in the real world

Guest article by Robert Katai

Instagram is one of the most important and most powerful marketing channels of our time. It is great for content marketing and paid advertising and, at the same time, for communication and customer service. It has the capacity to drive great engagement and better-than-average return on investment for a marketer, brand or agency. (more…)

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U.S. herbal supplement sales are breaking records. Here’s why.

2019-02-19T11:18:28-05:00October 13th, 2018|Categories: Breaking news|Tags: |

Guest article by Kimberly J. Decker

In the annals of “What’s Old Is New Again,” you would be hard-pressed to find a better case study than herbal and botanical ingredients. For despite the fact that these plant parts and preparations thereof have been…er, rooted in traditional medical systems for millennia, the convergence of contemporary science and a passion for all things “natural” has shot herbal and botanical dietary supplements onto center stage not only with consumers, but with brands and health professionals, too.  (more…)

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August 2018

You can’t shout your way into people’s hearts.

2019-02-19T11:19:09-05:00August 19th, 2018|Categories: Copywriting|Tags: |

Guest article by Nick Usborne

Desperate marketers resort to cranking up the volume in their advertising.

If they’re not getting the results they want, they shout louder and more often, and in more places.

But, as they eventually discover to their cost, shouting louder doesn’t work. (more…)

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July 2018

3 Signs your marketing copy is due for a serious detox and cleanse.

2019-02-19T11:19:24-05:00July 31st, 2018|Categories: Copywriting|Tags: |

Guest article by Nick Usborne

If you are a small business owner or founder, this post if for you.

It’s for entrepreneurs who went through the thrill and heartache of creating a new business.

It’s for business owners who remember the heady days when it all began.  (more…)

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