Guest article

August 2019

Healthy aging is a moving, but critical, target for supplement, product makers

2019-08-21T13:17:05-04:00August 20th, 2019|Categories: Guest article|Tags: |

Guest article, by Kimberly J. Decker

When the 70-plus delegates, researchers, and supplement-industry professionals who attended 2017’s CRN-International (CRN-I) Scientific Symposium boarded their planes home from Berlin, they did so having plumbed the cultural, psychosocial, physical, and environmental facets of a public-health concept that’s only beginning to take shape: healthy aging. (more…)

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July 2019

NPA asks that FDA utilize existing tools for comprehensive NDI enforcement

2019-07-20T18:25:55-04:00July 19th, 2019|Categories: Guest article|Tags: |

Guest article by Sebastian Krawiec

Expanding upon statements made to FDA during the public meeting, “Responsible Innovation in Dietary Supplements,” Daniel Fabricant, president and CEO of the Natural Products Associations (NPA; Washington, D.C.) submitted comments to the agency on July 15, 2019. (more…)

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How hard is it to formulate CBD in food and drinks?

2019-07-20T18:13:50-04:00July 16th, 2019|Categories: Guest article|Tags: |

Guest article by Kimberly J. Decker

Formulating a functional food or beverage with cannabidiol (CBD) takes a bit of a masochistic streak.

Sure, there’s gold to be mined in the hemp-derived CBD products market, a market that cannabis-industry analysts at the Brightfield Group predict will be worth $22 billion by 2022.1 (more…)

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June 2019

Exploring 5 Top Trends in Food Science

2019-06-27T15:08:29-04:00June 26th, 2019|Categories: Guest article|Tags: |

Guest article.

New Orleans, LA–Each year, the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) showcases what’s new and what’s next in the food industry at its annual event and Food Expo. IFT19, held in New Orleans earlier this month, attracted an estimated 17,000 attendees from 90 countries, with more than 1,000 companies exhibiting to share the latest research, innovations and ingredient offerings. (more…)

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April 2019

Emerging Botanicals: Consumers are moving out of their comfort zones to explore more bioactive ingredients.

2019-04-24T17:00:25-04:00April 20th, 2019|Categories: Guest article|Tags: |

Guest article. By Kerry Hughes.

Botanicals are big. The combination of health and flavor has proven irresistible to today’s consumer, thrilled at knowing that the tikka masala dinner they bought contains turmeric, fenugreek, and ginger to help fight inflammation and balance blood sugar. (more…)

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