“You Build Trees Better Than Anyone Else I Know”
I was invited to a highly specialized live coaching program guaranteed to have an immediate impact on my writing career and income. My awesome coach gave me a preparation assignment to do before the program even started. He told me it was designed to help me discover my unique strengths and abilities. He asked me to email 20 peers. Ask them “what do you think I do better than anyone else in the world?”
My coach was right… I got so many insights from their replies. One resonated with me in a special way. It’s from a long-time friend and colleague… who used to be my boss.
He wrote, “I think you build trees better than anyone else I know. Build trees, not grow them.” He went on to say that I have an instinctive ability to identify a foundational goal. And set it “immovably in place” … like a tree trunk. And, as I cultivate the tree and its branches to grow and flourish… I also embrace new and sometimes unforeseen elements… as branches to achieve a fuller, beautiful and complete tree. “I don’t know anyone else who does this better than you,” he wrote.
My friend empowered me to see myself better. I cherish his words. Like building trees, I find ways to build fuller, more significant, more compelling stories for my clients.