Guest article

May 2019

Weekend warriors driving sports nutrition market

2019-05-28T11:50:30-04:00May 28th, 2019|Categories: Guest article|

Guest article. By Kimberly Decker

Along with “What do you do?” and “Where are you from?” the list of all-purpose icebreakers has expanded to include this query: “What are you training for?” For whether it’s a Tough Mudder, a tri, or Monday-morning spin class, odds are that you or someone you know is sweating over something. (more…)

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Beauty botanicals: Which botanicals make promising skincare ingredients?

2019-05-21T12:08:17-04:00May 20th, 2019|Categories: Guest article|

Guest article by Kimberly Decker

Not long ago, the words organic and botanically based applied mainly to things we ate—or, like supplements, swallowed in pill or powder form. But lately, says Ramon Luna, marketing coordinator, Ecuadorian Rainforest (Clifton, NJ), “Store shelves are lined with more than just natural foods and supplements. There are natural cleansers, shampoos, body-care products, and more.” (more…)

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Paleo Diet: Is the paleo diet here to stay, or a short-lived trend?

2019-05-19T16:41:26-04:00May 16th, 2019|Categories: Guest article|

Guest article. By Kimberly Decker

It’s probably a sign of the strange times we’re in that one of the hottest diet trends to hit supermarkets and social media in years looks not to the future for nutritional solutions, but suggests that we…go back to eating like cavemen. (more…)

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Herbal ingredients growing in joint-health products

2019-05-19T16:52:52-04:00May 14th, 2019|Categories: Guest article|

Guest article, by Sebastian Krawiec.

The joint health category is a healthy balance of old and new, continuing to evolve while also maintaining sales of ingredients such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, which have long had a good reputation in the dietary supplement industry. According to SPINS, in the conventional, multi-outlet retail channel during the 52 weeks ending November 4, 2018, the glucosamine and chondroitin combo, and glucosamine alone, still held the number one and two spots in the joint health category—at $135 million and $39 million, respectively—despite slight, respective sales declines of 8.2% and 4.2%, compared to the previous year. (more…)

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Five brain health ingredients on the rise

2019-05-19T17:03:38-04:00May 8th, 2019|Categories: Guest article|

Guest article, by Mike Straus.

Brain health supplements have rapidly gained popularity among the academic and professional communities alike, with everyone on the lookout for new ingredients that will improve focus, boost critical thinking skills, shorten reaction time, and extend mental endurance. (more…)

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April 2019

Emerging Botanicals: Consumers are moving out of their comfort zones to explore more bioactive ingredients.

2019-04-24T17:00:25-04:00April 20th, 2019|Categories: Guest article|Tags: |

Guest article. By Kerry Hughes.

Botanicals are big. The combination of health and flavor has proven irresistible to today’s consumer, thrilled at knowing that the tikka masala dinner they bought contains turmeric, fenugreek, and ginger to help fight inflammation and balance blood sugar. (more…)

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