
13 Oct 2023

Ever Wish You’d Stuck To Your Dream? Artist Karen Latham Reveals How She Made Hers Become A Reality.

2024-04-10T20:59:02-04:00October 13th, 2023|Categories: Copywriting|Tags: |Comments Off on Ever Wish You’d Stuck To Your Dream? Artist Karen Latham Reveals How She Made Hers Become A Reality.

By Karen Latham

“And Then I Got Back into What I Really Liked…”

Internationally known Boomer artist Karen Latham reveals how her dreams to become a professional artist became a reality.

By Cindy Reed (more…)

3 Oct 2023

Your Changing Skin from Summer to Fall

2024-04-10T20:26:00-04:00October 3rd, 2023|Categories: Copywriting|Tags: |Comments Off on Your Changing Skin from Summer to Fall

By Chelsea Reed

Imagine waking up to colorful trees, deep blue skies and crisp breezy air. You get out of bed and begin your skincare routine while you think about pumpkin pie. Wash your face, tone and moisturize… (more…)

12 Sep 2023

Quartz Crystal: Everything You Need to Know

2024-04-10T20:32:45-04:00September 12th, 2023|Categories: Copywriting|Tags: |Comments Off on Quartz Crystal: Everything You Need to Know

By Chelsea Reed

Okay, we’re going to say it: Quartz is a rockstar. Why? It’s the gem than can do just about anything! Also known as rock crystal, quartz is the second most abundant mineral in the earth’s crust behind feldspar. (more…)

12 Aug 2023

How to Take Your Dog to the Beach for the First Time

2024-04-10T20:59:21-04:00August 12th, 2023|Categories: Copywriting|Tags: |Comments Off on How to Take Your Dog to the Beach for the First Time

By Chelsea Reed

As one of the Top 10 pet-friendly beach destinations in the U.S., what’s not to like about vacationing with your fur babies at the beaches of Nags Head in North Carolina? And if it’s the first time you’ll be bringing Sparky along, you can prepare to create lasting memories when you keep these tips in mind. Let’s review them below.  (more…)

3 Jul 2023

How to Help Your Dog Overcome the Fear of Fireworks

2024-04-10T20:57:31-04:00July 3rd, 2023|Categories: Copywriting|Tags: |Comments Off on How to Help Your Dog Overcome the Fear of Fireworks

By Chelsea Reed

Humans have enjoyed traditional Independence Day fireworks for centuries, but many dogs don’t see them the way we do. Oftentimes the booming noises, flashing lights, and smell of fireworks scares dogs and triggers their survival instincts to run away from the perceived danger. (more…)

16 Jun 2023

5 Reasons Why You Need an Awesome Lead Magnet

2024-04-10T20:58:45-04:00June 16th, 2023|Categories: Copywriting, Marketing & Media, Websites|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 5 Reasons Why You Need an Awesome Lead Magnet

By Chelsea Reed

Websites. Blogging. Email marketing. Social Media.  Components like these are significant to getting more business in today’s digital world. Generating more leads, building customer trust with you, and making it easier for you to sell to them. (more…)

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