By Chelsea Reed

It’s an exciting time to follow miniature art! The traditional genre is growing at a steady rate from recent years. Unique trends, as a result, are surfacing around the world. We can’t wait to show them to you with a sneak peek from our 28th International Miniature Art Show!

Here’s all the latest from the miniature art scene:


The personal experience of minis got even more personal! Textured paper butterflies, metallic cutouts, and adorable quilts bring their tiny worlds to life. Artwork painted on miniature 3D cubes delivers a fresh perspective to the familiar material. Seeing these works in person is recommended to enjoy their complete impression.

Bold Colors

Hummingbird is a miniature colored pencil drawing by Mindy LighthipeBright and tan colors are gaining popularity while grays and muted colors are moving out. This is important to keep in mind if you want to stay on trend with your home’s interior design. Note how most of the pieces in the art show have bold hues this year.

Black and White

This classic combination is the only exception to the bold color trend. Many collectors are attracted by the rich look of black and white miniature art. The contrasts are easy to work with in home design, and their beauty is striking in the small format.

Bronze Sculptures

People have enjoyed bronze sculptures since the 17th century, but their admiration is skyrocketing in 2019. Miniature bronze sculptures offer amazing attention to detail. They are awesome when paired with other metal accents in your home décor. And, bronze is the most popular metal in design work right now!

Gift Giving

As people continue to crave for the original and transparent, more handcrafted gifts are being appreciated. Original miniature art is a wonderful gift idea for a friend, family member or special occasion coming up. You can even personalize it by selecting a piece that features their personality, favorite things or places. The possibilities are endless!

Minis are Making it Big

It’s amazing how miniature art is making big waves in the art world! Stay on trend and shop the hottest pieces right here from the 28th International Miniature Art Show. Or, take in the excitement onsite at Seaside Art Gallery and vote for your favorite entry. Bring a friend or two! You’ll be the talk of the town with your new tiny treasure.