By Chelsea Reed

New year…new art! Expressions and desires for art change every year as the world changes around us. Original art inspires us, empowers us, and comforts us in many different ways. Let’s see what’s new in original art trends for 2019!

Trend #1: Art in Bathrooms

Wave Square 2 is a ceramic wall sculpture by Denise RomeckiOnce upon a time, homeowners were concerned about decorating bathrooms with original art. But now that notion is history. Thanks to an increasing interest in decorative art, people are finding new ways to enjoy art in every part of their home. With a little TLC, paintings are fine inside bathrooms. Oil paintings are great for moisture resistance, and certain kinds of sculpture are beautiful durable additions. Wave Square 2 by Denise Romecki


Trend #2: Jewels and Dark Colors

Spring Blues is an oil painting by Travis HumphreysDeep blue tones and glistening gold and gemstone accents provide rich contrasts for original art. Many people are being drawn to them for their luxurious feel. Blue is a great color that is easy to get along with. Careful placement of artwork with very dark colors like midnight can command attention and are gorgeous in any room. Spring Blues by Travis Humphreys


Trend #3: Warm Earth Tones

Beeware is mixed media sculpture by Carolyn Lloyd SwainRustic themes that celebrate nature’s beauty like ‘kinship,’ ‘wabi sabi’ and ‘folklore’ art are predicted to rise in popularity. This means that we will see more art with warm earthy colors like sage, off whites, and terra-cotta. This is great news for homeowners, as these colors are simple to decorate and easy on the eyes year round. Beware by Carolyn Lloyd Swain.



Trend #4: The Wanderlust 

Ghostly Trees is an oil painting by Clifford BaileyExotic adventures, silence and solitude, and imaginative escapes are all art trends from last year that will continue into 2019. We can expect unique landscapes, abstract art, and subjects in foreign places to become especially popular in the artwork of people’s homes today. Ghostly Trees by Clifford Bailey

Follow the latest trends in original art with Seaside Art Gallery! New pieces join our expansive collection all the time, so keep checking back to see what’s new! Contact our knowledgeable staff today for any questions you have. Happy 2019!

Chelsea Reed is a freelance copywriter. She writes articles, blogs, websites and online content from her base in North Carolina.