By Cindy Reed

Do you know what the art of printmaking really is? Meet David Hunter. He’s a master in the art of printmaking… or the process of creating etchings.

“I start with a clean smooth polished zinc plate. I paint an acid resistant coating on the plate. Then I take a sharp needle and do a free hand drawing through the coating so each line exposes the plate,” explains Hunter. “When the drawing is finished, I put the plate in nitric acid… this etches each line into the plate.”

When Hunter is satisfied that the zinc plate is etched, he takes it out of the acid and removes the coating.

“The plate is not the artwork,” says Hunter. “The print from the plate is the final definitive artwork.”

The Art of Etching

Hunter uses his hand-etched zinc plate to make the original etchings.

David Hunter demonstrates making the original etchings at Seaside Art Gallery, August 31st through September 3rd, 2018. You’ll see original art created right before your eyes! Hunter inks and hand-presses each beautiful piece with his own etched zinc plate. Each etching is signed and numbered by the artist.

You’ll see how each etching is unique as the plate wears down a bit with each run through the press. This creates small changes in the image and the tone of the lines. Additionally, the plate must be re-inked by hand for each etching. This results in amazing minor differences between the etchings. Hunter creates only 100 etchings from his plate. The integrity and quality of each one is stunning.

Ask him how he etches his free-hand drawing into the zinc plate. He’ll show you his techniques for highlighting and inking his etched plate. Then hand-press it with his own equipment right there in the gallery. Each beautiful piece is transformed into an original work of art!

The Artist Unveils His New Etching

Every year, Hunter creates a new etching only for this event. This year’s creation is a secret… it will be unveiled in the gallery on August 31st. Only 100 of these gems will be issued. You’ll be the first to see them!

Hunter’s etchings are very popular with the collectors. During the show, you can ask Hunter to sign and dedicate your own limited edition etching.

A beautiful selection of his most sought-after etchings and artwork will be at the show.

About the Artist

David Hunter lives in Central Florida. He participates in art shows and competitions throughout the United States. His award-winning artwork is in galleries throughout the United States. And is in the permanent collection of the London Maritime Museum in England.

One of the Largest Galleries in the Southeast

Seaside Art Gallery is one of the largest galleries in the Southeast. With 57 years of excellence, the gallery is reputed for outstanding customer service. The Smith family established it in 1961. Owner Melanie Smith is an accredited fine arts appraiser. She is a member in the International Society of Appraisers.

The authenticity of the gallery’s art is fully guaranteed. The gallery has a generous policy of 30-day refund or 5-year exchange. They ship anywhere.

Seaside Art Gallery is located at 2716 South Virginia Dare Trail in Nags Head, North Carolina. You can shop art both in the gallery and online . Their toll-free number is 800-828-2444.

About Cindy Reed Marketer

Cindy Reed Marketer is a public relations and marketing firm serving Fortune 500 and small businesses for over 25 years. They specialize in developing marketing communications and branding programs for their clients, employing a variety of techniques from advertising and digital marketing to web development to social media. They’re based in North Carolina and are a Shopify Partner and Constant Contact Partner. For more information about their flexible suite of services, visit: