"Family Fun" by Karen Schaefers

“Family Fun” by Karin Schaefers

By Chelsea Reed

The temperatures may rise to uncomfortable levels in the dog days of summer, but you don’t have to suffer from them.  Take a look at these paintings the next time you’re escaping the heat to cool off and enjoy art at the same time. Here are six below.

1. Family Fun by Karin Schaefers 

There’s nothing like dipping into the water at your favorite beach to beat the heat, and Karin Schaefers captures the experience very well in Family Fun. Her ability to capture the joy on their faces in the moment through the impressionistic paint strokes makes you feel like you’re right there with them. 

2. Playing in the Surf by Beth Parcel Evans

Speaking of dog days of summer, you might as well enjoy cooling off during those days with your pets! Playing in the Surf by Beth Parcel Evans is a gorgeous oil painting that honors quality time with family pets and helps cool down viewers at the same time. 

“Chickadee” by Gary Spicer

3. Chickadee by Gary Spicer

If thinking about warm sandy islands and sunshine takes the edge off from feeling chilly, why not think about winter when the heat index skyrockets? This cute acrylic painting of a chickadee by Gary Spicer looks nice and chilly while its simplicity warms the heart.

4. Cool Mountain Stream by Lauri Waterfield

Doesn’t a cool mountain stream sound wonderful when it’s hot outside? The tranquil strokes in Lauri Waterfied’s painting help deliver the fresh mountain landscape to you when it isn’t practical to travel to the actual place. Thirsty for spring water, anyone?

5. Winter Reflection by Travis Humphreys

If Cool Mountain Stream isn’t chilly enough, Winter Reflection is sure to do the trick. The water alone in this oil painting by Travis Humphreys looks like it could freeze solid at any minute, not to mention the thick layers of snow that already are. It’s as if it inspires one to don a pair of snow shoes and explore this winter wonderland.


"Arctic Hare" by NW Lalk

“Arctic Hare” by NW Lalk

6. Arctic Hare by N.W. Lalk

After the temperature intensity of the last artwork, you might want to look at something more relaxing. How about adorable Arctic hares? These furry friends in N.W. Lalk’s acrylic painting, have the magical ability to cool you off and make you smile while looking at it.



How Do You Cool Off in the Summer?

What’s your strategy to beat the summer heat? Feel free to join the conversation in one of our posts at Seaside Art Gallery’s Facebook page, or enjoy more refreshing artwork (and air conditioning) when you step inside our gallery. We invite you to see hundreds of original art pieces inside. 

This blog is written by Chelsea Reed, copywriter. It was published on the Seaside Art Gallery website.