Breaking news

Today’s organic shoppers are more mainstream and diverse than most stereotypes of pro-organic shoppers, according to a survey conducted by Earthbound Farm. 



The “Annual Organic & Other Lifestyle Choices” survey looked at information regarding a myriad of lifestyle habits, including music and hobby choices, pet ownership, and meal priorities, according to a press release.

Perhaps most importantly, 40% of the 500+ consumers surveyed said they plan to increase their household’s organic consumption in 2019.

Deverl Maserang, president and CEO of Earthbound Farm, said, “Organic should and can be for everyone. We’re thrilled that these results show a growing and diverse community of people who choose organic fairly frequently.”

Read more highlights from the survey here.

Breaking news by WholeFoods Magazine staff, as seen in WholeFoods Magazine online, February 7, 2019.