By Cindy Reed

The Obesity Epidemic Is Global

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates 1.9 billion adults worldwide are overweight with over half a billion being obese. The rates have more than doubled.

In America, 70% of adults are overweight or obese. This health condition is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and some cancers. Annual medical costs of obesity surpass $140 million dollars.

Carb Confusion Leads To Over Consuming Carbs

A study of consumer understanding of starchy foods, conducted by Customer Experience Partners, for Pharmachem Laboratories – the makers of Phase 2 Carb Controller – asked Americans which foods contain the most starch. They were unable to answer correctly about a third of the time. Carb confusion may be key to why they gain weight. The study reveals overweight Americans consume nearly 20 servings of starches each week. The most common being bread/ a sandwich.

Americans Looking For Answers

Healthy lifestyle goals, like nutritious meals and physical exercise, help manage weight. But overweight Americans say they need help. The study reveals 89% take weight loss aids regularly, and 31% are “definitely interested” in trying a starch blocker product.

“One of the reasons why we developed Phase 2 Carb Controller was to help people who are trying to eat right reduce the worry of eating too many starches, especially starches they may not recognize,” says Mitch Skop, Senior Director of new product development for Pharmachem Laboratories. “Studies have shown that taking Phase 2 before a starchy meal can block up to 65% of unwanted carbohydrates. We believe Phase 2 can help a lot of people who are trying to manage their weight and lose weight safely.”

Phase 2 is all-natural, easy to use, and FDA GRAS. It’s proven safe and effective in 15 clinical studies in promoting weight loss. Click to learn how starch blockers work.

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Winning At Weight Loss Through Carb Control
 Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 11 am EDT / 8 am PDT / 3 pm GMT / 4 pm CET

New studies are showing that it’s the carbs—not fat—that contribute most to weight gain. Learn why carbs should be the focus and how you can control carbs through diet and supplementation.
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A Healthier You

The Herbal Pharmacist David Foreman shares his Top 5 Unusual Health Trends of 2017.
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Pharmachem Laboratories, Inc. 265 Harrison Avenue, Kearny NJ 07032. 1-800-526-0609.

This (these) statement(s) have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

Enewsletter and website are written by Cindy Reed. Enewsletter published by Pharmachem Laboratories, Inc.